Article 181 Of The Indian Constitution

article 181 of indian constitution

Article 181 of the Indian Constitution states that neither the Speaker nor the Deputy Speaker may serve as the presiding officer during the deliberation of a resolution to remove him from office.

The said Article is outlined in Part VI of the Indian Constitution.

In this writing, we will discuss Article 181 and its provisions to understand what it conveys.

Article 181 Of The Indian Constitution

According to the Constitutional provisions of Article 181, it is not permissible for either the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker to preside over the meeting while a resolution to remove him from office is being deliberated.

  1. The Speaker or Deputy Speaker may not preside over a meeting of the Legislative Assembly during which a resolution to remove either of them from office is being considered, even if they are physically present at the meeting. Also, the provisions of clause (2) of article 180 shall apply in connection to each and every one of these sittings in the same manner that they apply in relation to a sitting from which the Speaker or, depending on the circumstances, the Deputy Speaker is absent.
  2. The Speaker has the right to speak in the Legislative Assembly and else participate in the operations of the Assembly even if a resolution calling for his removal from office is being deliberated by the Assembly at the same time. In addition, despite anything to the provisions in article 189, the Speaker shall only be permitted to vote on any such resolution or on any other matter during such proceedings in the first instance and not in the event of a tie.


According to Article 181 of the Constitution, neither the Speaker nor the Deputy Speaker may preside over a meeting while a resolution to remove him from office is being discussed.

For Further Readings:

Article 178 Of The Indian ConstitutionArticle 179 Of The Indian Constitution
Article 187 Of The Indian ConstitutionArticle 188 Of The Indian Constitution

FAQs On Article 181

What Article 181 Deals With?

According to Article 181 of the Constitution, neither the Speaker nor the Deputy Speaker may act as the presiding officer during the discussion of a resolution to remove him from office.

What Article 189 Of The Constitution Specifies?

Voting in the Houses, the ability of the Houses to function despite vacancies, and quorum are all spelled forth in Article 189 of the Constitution.

What Is Clause 1 Of Article 181 Of The Constitution?

Even if they are present in person, neither the Speaker nor Deputy Speaker may preside over a Legislative Assembly session that is discussing a resolution to remove either of them from office. The provisions of clause (2) of article 180 shall also be applicable with respect to each and every one of these sittings in the same manner as they are applicable with respect to a sitting from which the Speaker or, based on the possibilities, the Deputy Speaker is not present.

What Is Clause 2 Of Article 180 Of The Constitution?

According to clause (2) of article 180, in the event that the Speaker is unable to attend a session of the Assembly for any purpose, the Deputy Speaker, or, if he is likewise absent, any other person as may be specified by the Assembly’s rules of procedure, or, in the absence of any such person, such other person as may be selected by the Assembly, shall fill the position of Speaker.

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