Article 180 Of The Indian Constitution

article 180 of indian constitution

Are you aware of article 180 of the Indian Constitution? Did you know that it lays down the provisions related to the powers of the Deputy Speaker in a legislative assembly?

Article 180 states that when the office of a Speaker falls vacant or is absent, then until some other person is appointed in his place, all such powers and functions conferred by the Constitution or by law upon any Presiding Officer shall be exercised and performed by a Deputy Speaker.

This article outlines the power, duties, and responsibilities that must be adhered to by a Deputy Speaker when acting as Temporary Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. Here we will take an in-depth look at how Article 180 defines these roles.

Article 180 Of The Indian Constitution

The authority granted to the Deputy Speaker or any other person to carry out the responsibilities associated with the office of Speaker or to act in that capacity —

  1. If the Speaker’s position is vacant, the Deputy Speaker will take over, and if the Deputy Speaker’s position is vacant as well, the Governor will designate a member of the Assembly to fill the role.
  2. If the Speaker is unable to present in any sitting of the Assembly for any reason, the Deputy Speaker or, if he is also absent, such person as may be designated by the rules of procedure of the Assembly, or, if no such person is present, such other person as may be determined by the Assembly, shall fulfill the role of Speaker.


Article 180 discusses the authority that is given to the Deputy Speaker or any other person to carry out the obligations that are associated with the office of the Speaker or to function in that capacity if the Speaker is absent or unable to do so.

For Further Readings:

Article 176 Of The Indian ConstitutionArticle 177 Of The Indian Constitution
Article 178 Of The Indian ConstitutionArticle 179 Of The Indian Constitution

FAQs On Article 180

Who Can Act As A Speaker If Their Office In LA Is Vacant?

In the event the Speaker is unable to fulfill his or her duties, the Deputy Speaker or another individual may do so under the terms of Article 180 of the Indian Constitution.

Which Article Grants The Authority Upon Deputy Speaker To Act As A Speaker Of Legislative Assembly?

Article 180 of the Constitution of India covers the powers granted to the Deputy Speaker or to any other person to perform the duties of the Speaker’s office or to act in that capacity in the absence of the Speaker.

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