Article 155 Of The Indian Constitution

article 155 of indian constitution

Article 155 of the Indian Constitution revolves around the appointment of the Governor. The said Article is spelled forth in Chapter II of Part VI of the Constitution. Chapter II is entitled “The Executive” and Part VI is dedicated to “The States”.

This page will provide you with important information about who is responsible for the appointment of governors of the several states, as well as how those appointments are made.

Constitutional Provision Of Article 155 Of The Indian Constitution

In India, the appointment of a governor is covered by Article 155 of the constitution. The constitutional provisions of Article mentioned above are as follows:

A warrant bearing the President’s hand and seal is required for the President to make an appointment for a state’s governor.

Reason For Choosing This Governor Appointment Mechanism

  1. The parliamentary system formed in the states would be incompatible with direct elections.
  2. Conflicts could arise from the direct election.
  3. Such an election would be a costly affair
  4. It is possible for an elected governor to be someone who is not neutral.
  5. The mechanism of presidential nomination helps the centre to maintain its authority over the states.
  6. The appointment form for choosing the governor was chosen while keeping in mind the aforementioned considerations. Canada employs this practice.

Additional Information

  1. On May 30 and 31,1949, a discussion was held over the draft of Article 131, which later became Article 155.
  2. The arguments centered on whether the Governor should be appointed or elected.
  3. On May 31, 1949, the modified Draft Article was approved and this modified Article specifies that the President of India has unrestricted power to appoint a Governor.


Every state has an elected official called a governor who, at the state level, holds the same authority that the President does at the union level.

Article 155 provided the President the unrestricted authority to appoint who would serve as Governor.

For Further Readings:

Article 153 Of The Indian Constitution: Governors Of StatesArticle 154 Of The Indian Constitution: Executive Power Of States
Article 185 Of The Indian ConstitutionArticle 187 Of The Indian Constitution

FAQs On Article 155

What Is Article 155 Of The Indian Constitution?

The position of governor is not filled through either a direct vote by the populace or an indirect vote by a specially assembled electoral college. His appointment is confirmed by a warrant that bears the President’s hand and seals as per Article 155 of the Indian Constitution.

Which Article Speaks About The Appointment Of The Governor Of Each State?

The Governors of each State of India are chosen in accordance with Article 155 of the Indian Constitution.

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